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William Scott Olsen. Composition with figures. Oil on plate

Lot number: 6454299
The auction is closed.
Hammer price: DKK 4,200
EUR 564
Estimate: DKK 7,000
EUR 940
A buyer's premium and a buyer's fee will be added to the stated price.


This lot has been put up for resale under the new lot no. 6468866
Automatic translation from Danish.

William Scott Olsen (1945-2005). Composition with figures, houses and bird. Oil on plate. Sign. WSO 89. 40 x 55 cm (44 x 59 cm). c.d.
The auction is closing:  12/06/2024 19:28:00
Showroom:   DK, Aalborg, Nibevej

Prior bids
Show    bids
Customer no.DateTime (CET)Bid 
1606153 12/06/2024 18:58:18 DKK 4200