Poul Janus Ipsen, lithographs, 'The Bound Quilt' & 'The Magic Table II' (2)

Lot number: 6440094
The auction is closed.
Estimate: DKK 2,000
EUR 268
A buyer's premium and a buyer's fee will be added to the stated price.


Automatic translation from Danish.

Poul Janus Ipsen (b.1936). 'The Bound Quilt' & 'The Magic Table II' without glass, framed lithographs, signed. in lead Poul Janus Ibsen 1982 / 1983, 116 x 79 cm (123 x 86 cm). (2)
The auction is closing:  30/05/2024 21:16:00
Showroom:   DK, Odense, Rolundvej

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