Kai Lyngfeldt Larsen. Six armchairs in rosewood, black leather (6)

Lot number: 6457238
This auction closes in:

Next bid: DKK 17,500
EUR 2,349
Estimate: DKK 23,000
EUR 3,087
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Automatic translation from Danish.

Kai Lyngfeldt Larsen. Set of six rosewood armchairs, seat and back upholstered in black leather. Manufactured at Søren Willadsen, Vejen. H. 79/42 cm. Has minimal age-related signs of use, patinated leather. (6)

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DKK 17,500
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The auction is closing:  19/06/2024 20:10:00
Showroom:   DK, Vejle, Dandyvej

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