House of Amber. Necklace of 18 kt white gold with amber and diamonds 0.91 ct

Lot number: 6453732
This auction closes in:

Next bid: DKK 12,000
EUR 1,611
Estimate: DKK 16,000
EUR 2,148
A buyer's premium and a buyer's fee will be added to the stated price.


Automatic translation from Danish.

House of Amber. Necklace of 18 kt. oxidized white gold with milky amber and the brilliant cut diamond of a total of 0.91 ct. Color Wesselton (H) Clarity SI . L. chain 51 cm. L. pendant approx. 55 mm. Weight approx. 14.9 grams.
Guidance. 68,000 New and unused.

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DKK 12,000
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The auction is closing:  20/06/2024 19:15:00
Showroom:   DK, Aalborg, Nibevej

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