Aaggaard and Rauf. A collection of men's jewelery made of sterling silver, leather, rubber, lava stone

Lot number: 6457424
This auction closes in:

Next bid: DKK 1,600
EUR 215
Estimate: DKK 2,000
EUR 268
A buyer's premium and a buyer's fee will be added to the stated price.


Automatic translation from Danish.

A collection of Aaggaard Connections jewellery, mainly for men, consisting of clasps, links/pendants and a chain in sterling silver and black rhodium-plated sterling silver, as well as bracelets in leather, rubber and lava stone. Furthermore, a three-row necklace of purple leather with small heart charms (of silver? unstamped) as well as a cross and a clasp of satinized sterling silver from Rauff. Has handling marks.

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DKK 1,600
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The auction is closing:  20/06/2024 14:44:00
Showroom:   DK, Vejle, Dandyvej

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