

  • Payment from's bank account to the seller is made up to 28 days after the sale, provided that buyer and seller have fulfilled their obligations.

  • A seller's commission of 15% on the hammer price including VAT will be charged for every lot sold, as well as a seller’s hammer fee of EUR 27, DKK 200 (for Former leasing cars EUR 80, DKK 600.
  • Before you put your item up for auction we recommend you read our conditions of sale and about what can be sold.

Frequently asked questions
Is valuation from a photo possible?
Yes, you can send your pictures via e-mail or by mail to the auction house closest to you. You will then be contacted by a valuation expert. You are, of course, more than welcome to come visit us at one of our auction houses and get an appraisal on the spot.
When will I receive a response to my enquiry?
We always do our best to reply to all enquiries as quickly as we can. As far as possible within 2-3 days.
As a seller what do I have to pay in commission?
For every lot sold a seller's commission of 15% of the highest bid is calculated, as well as a seller’s fee of DKK/SEK 200, EUR 27 (for Former leasing cars EUR 80, DKK 600). Commission and seller's fee include VAT and cover all costs relating to the sale, including registration, taking photos, online display and storage during the sales period. Commission and hammer fee are deducted from the payment due to the seller.
When will my item be put up for sale?

Most lots will be put up for sale 2-3 days after they have been consigned.

How long do a sale last?
A sale lasts normally 7-14 days.